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Why We Procrastinate and How to Stop!

“If it weren’t for the last minute, nothing would get done.” ― Rita Mae Brown

Who can relate with Miss Rita Mae? My arm is raised up high as I write this!

I have a natural inclination to procrastinate, especially when it comes to non-work related things. As a matter of fact, most Friday nights I am up until the wee hours finishing my Saturday blog post.

Sometimes, I think my best work is done under pressure! Other times–not so much. Let’s face it, procrastination can be painful; it can cause major undue stress.
I once heard someone say that procrastination is like a credit card, it’s a lot of fun until you get the bill.

So, why do we procrastinate? Following are six causes of procrastination and some helpful “fixes” for each one.

• Fear.
Fear rears its ugly head so often with procrastinators. These fears are mainly based on two factors:
1. Fear of failure. This can be a tough one to overcome. Our egos get in the way and that voice in our head telling us we are unworthy often speaks louder than the truth.
2. Fear of success. This seems odd, doesn’t it? Who doesn’t want success in their life? Success can actually be quite scary. Just think about the amount of work that could come with your new-found success. How about the new expectations, from yourself and others, that may come along with success?

In either case, fears, founded or not, are powerful and hard to overcome.

The Fix: Put your fears in perspective. Ask yourself, is there a history that substantiates my fear? What is the worst case scenario? Oftentimes, working through these questions will ease your fears. Another thing to do, especially if ‘fear of success’ is stopping you from moving forward, is to create a plan of action for your success. Seriously — without getting too crazy — think about a few scenarios that might come up if your potential success were to come to light, and create a general plan for how you would handle each scenario. Creating this plan will help organize your thoughts and get you motivated! A good plan will have fear shaking in its boots!

• Too Many Distractions.
I am the queen of having 10 internet tabs open at once, 10 emails in process, and 10 apps going at the same time. This can prove to be very distracting. There is a time and a place for multi-tasking, and when you need to really focus, clearing out distractions will not only help to get things done quicker, but the final product will usually be better.

The Fix: Focus on one thing at a time. When I work on my blog posts, I work in a Word document and only visit the internet for research. I don’t allow myself to check Facebook, Twitter, or my email. I even turn off the ringers on my phone. I also close out my email or, at least mute the sound notifications. I don’t know about you, but when I hear that alert announcing a new email, it’s hard to not take a “quick peek”.

• Too much on Your Plate.
Sometimes our schedules can become so packed that we become overwhelmed with even the simplest tasks. People don’t do their best work when frazzled, overworked, or spread too thin.

The Fix: Take a look at your calendar. What can you cut? If I hear you saying you can’t cut one thing, think again. One woman I know decided that with kids, her job, and volunteer activities she needed to cut something out so that her family could have clean clothes and she could get the things done she needed to. That’s right! She decided to pay someone to come in once or twice a week for a few hours to do the laundry. It may sound like something only the rich can afford. Not true. She had to cut back on eating out a bit, but that was worth the benefit of having clean and folded laundry. Figure out the highest and best use of your time and make some changes in your life today.

• Lack of Prioritization.
Some things are more important than others. Some things are more fun to do than others. When you don’t have an order of priority, the general tendency will be to do the easier things first. Easiest does NOT equal top priority!

The Fix: Make a list of “to-do” items you need to get done. I like to draw a square check box next to each item on my list. Placing that check mark in the box upon completion is very fulfilling. Yes, I will admit, I’ve even been known to complete a task that wasn’t on my list and add it to the list just so I could check it off. 

• Lack of Motivation.
There are some things in life that we must do regardless of whether we like doing them or not. Everyone has that one thing that they dread. I have two: cleaning the bathroom and having the oil changed in my car!

The Fix: Remember how you just made your grand “to-do” list and prioritized each task? Consider placing the things you don’t want to do higher in your priority list. Of course, don’t sacrifice important deadlines for other tasks. It’s your list, so no one is going to kill you if you ignore the dreadful tasks, but wouldn’t you rather just get them done and move on? Hold yourself accountable. Remember saying to your friends in school, “I swear to God on the Holy Bible”? Try similar statements to yourself when you’re trying to get stuff done. I use it sparingly, but boy does it hold me accountable! 

• Just Plain Lazy.
You know what I’m talking about. You’ve been there. It’s Saturday morning and all you want to do is stay in your jammies, drink coffee, and do crossword puzzles. I know, I’ve been there too. Sometimes we need this type of downtime and there is nothing wrong with that, but if this is something that seems to be an overriding theme in your life, you may want to consider some alternative Saturday options.

The Fix: If you know you have these tendencies, you may want to make accommodations for downtime in your checklist, so that you get some “lazy” time in your schedule. There’s nothing like lazy-time after you’ve checked a bunch off your “to-do” list!

I hope the suggestions above will help you get moving in the right direction.

Where do you struggle with procrastination?  What tips work for you to help stop procrastination?  Share your comments below.

P.S. I had to get this post done early so I could go camping. Nothing like a little incentive to get ya movin’!

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Reboot Your Life

We’ve all been there.  Our computer locks up or we get some weird error that pops up.  The IT guy tells us to “reboot”.  In most cases, the reboot works like a charm.

Ever felt like you need a reboot in life?

Does one of these scenarios sound familiar?

  • You had a conversation where you stuck your foot in your mouth and wished you could hit the rewind button.
  • You started off your day stubbing your toe when getting out of bed and ended that same day with breaking your favorite lamp.
  • A bad decision you made has gotten worse. ‘What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’ is a cute phrase thrown around, but the reality is that some of our decisions can be a nightmare that we don’t wake up from.
  • A bad mood sets in for no apparent reason, and you just feel down.
  • You are totally overwhelmed with your busy schedule.

If a reboot works for our computers, how much more could a reboot work for our minds, our bodies, and our souls?

Here are some reboot suggestions that can be implemented immediately:

  • Take a walk.
    Research shows increased health benefits with a 30-minute walk per day. It can cut the risk of heart disease, the #1 cause of death of men and women, by 40%!Don’t think you can fit in a consecutive 30-minute walk each day?  Break up your exercise time into three 10-minute walks per day–breaking it up like this is actually more effective for blood pressure control!  After you read this, plan to take a 10-minute walk within the next two hours.  After you take that walk, set up a time for your next.  Make this a habit.  You won’t be sorry.
  • Take a deep breath…or two…or three.
    Deep breathing is a definite stress reliever and you don’t need any special gear or a club membership to do it. Deep breathing gives you more energy (bringing in more oxygen to your body), more focus (especially when you are very intentional with your breathing–you quiet your mind, giving it a break and a reboot!), and deep breathing also activates the parasympathetic nervous system which is critical to your body’s healing and digestion processes.  Try it now.  Breathe in for five seconds and out for five.  Do this three or four times.  Good job!
  • Make a change in your diet.
    It’s no fun feeling sluggish, especially when your sluggishness is caused by the things we choose to ingest.  One quick and easy change to your diet is to incorporate some foods that are not only good sources of magnesium, Omega-3 fatty acids and protein, but are also known to boost brain power!  Some good options are: salmon, avocado, nuts, berries, spinach, and dark chocolate.Now, we all know the types of foods that drag us down.  For me it’s too many carbs!!  I LOVE carbs!  It’s not until I limit (NOTE:  I didn’t say cut out completely) my carb intake that I feel and see the effects.  Here’s an idea.  Make a decision to lay off one or two of the foods that you think might make you feel sluggish and see how you feel after a couple weeks.
  • Just Say “Maybe”
    Are you a “yes” woman or man? I admit, I am a recovering “yes” woman.  For most of my life I would say yes to almost everything asked of me.  I wouldn’t consult my calendar, my already packed schedule, or my husband.  THIS is NOT a good habit.  Remember, a well thought through yes, is 100-times better than 100 knee-jerk yes’s.  My recommendation is to never commit yourself to something without sleeping on it first.By the way, some of us (women mostly) somehow decided that our worth was based on how much we were doing or what people thought of what we were doing.  The sooner we can get that line of thinking in-check the better!
  • Hang out with a friend or two.
    Friendships enrich our lives.  As a matter of fact, having a network of friends is tied to living longer.  Something to remember is that there are different types of friendships and one is not necessarily better than the other.  You may have friends that are there for the good and bad times — priceless.  Some friends have you in stiches all the time, but they may not be the “call in the middle of the night if you need help” type of friend.  You know what “they” say, laughter is sometimes the best medicine.  Other friends may be with you for a season and move on – enjoy the time you have with one another.
  • Take a technology break.
    This day and age, many of us are more connected to our virtual reality than we are to our REAL reality.  Do yourself and those around you a favor and set aside time when you truly unplug from ALL the technology in your life.  We haven’t always had the information and capabilities at our fingertips like we do today, and believe it or not, you WILL NOT die if you take a break!  As a matter of fact, you may live longer.  That’s right!  Our brain is an organ—the CENTER of your nervous system– and it needs rest in order to grow and perform to its potential.
  • Give thanks. Last but definitely not least, give thanks.  I firmly believe this is the most important on our list.  When you stop and take a moment to realize all that you have to be thankful for, your entire perspective on life changes.  Some days it might be hard to dredge up something that you are thankful for.  Start with the things that many of us take for granted, like the breath you just took or the food you ate for lunch…each of us will have a different list, but all of us can find things to be grateful for.Go ahead, grab a pen and write down five things you are thankful for right now.  If you choose to spend 1 minute per day doing this, you will be amazed at how fast your list will grow AND how much more you will feel thankful.

If you are an over-achiever, here’s the instant-reboot-implementation-plan for you:

Take a walk with a funny friend and practice your deep breathing exercises together (this will undoubtedly provide extra bouts of laughter).  After your walk, grab a bite to eat and enjoy a delicious spinach, walnut and salmon salad.  Don’t forget to give thanks for your friendship and the food before you eat!  As you part ways, tell your friend you will have to sleep on it before making a decision as to whether you will join her in volunteering to clean the local park the following weekend.

Did you notice that this entire experience was technology free?  You and your friend did not check your Facebook status once during your time together, and you lived to tell about it.

All kidding aside, what type of things do you do to reboot?  Is there something that I haven’t listed that works best for you?  Please add your suggestions in the comments section.  Your idea may be the one that helps someone who is in need of a reboot today.

As always, I appreciate you taking time to read my blog.  If you have found value in something you read here today, please share.

Jill xx

When a Loved One Needs Assisted Living

On the heels of my empty nester post last week, I come to you today with another life scenario that many of us will experience in our lifetimes.  A question many families find themselves asking is, “Does my aging loved one need to go to an assisted living facility or nursing home?”

Whether it be a parent, an in-law, a sibling, or maybe even a spouse, there comes a time when one loses their ability to live the independent lifestyle that they are accustomed to.  This leaves the family faced with hard conversations and decisions to make.

It wasn’t on my radar to write about this topic, but I received a note from a reader who asked if I might consider writing a post to share some insight on this unfamiliar and difficult road.  I have several friends who are in the process of weeding through such a decision, as well as some trusted friends in the health care field, so I figured I better get to work and do some research!

While talking to friends going through this process, the common theme which emerged was that the process of compiling a care plan for their loved one became overwhelming, confusing, and frustrating.

These situations are not easy for anyone involved and every situation has its own unique variables.  There are no cookie cutter answers and the resources available will vary by city and state.  The key is to form a plan that honors your loved one and considers their values, financial situation and wishes.

After extensive research online and interviewing several people, I hope you find the information provided here helpful and informative.

Before we get rolling, I’ve realized how much easier things can be if one puts some thought into advanced planning.

Not only will this provide you and your family with peace of mind for the future, but it will take the burden off your loved ones, should the need for assisted or skilled care come about in the future.

Here are two tips to consider:

  1. Purchase a long term health care plan. Plans will vary, so make sure you read the fine print and consult with an organization or person you trust.  An attorney or care manager may also be utilized to clarify the policy.  The costs associated with eldercare can be great, so it’s a good idea to get the best insurance plan you can afford.
  2. Create a clear “getting old” plan and communicate your wishes with loved ones. Most of us will want to stay at home as long as possible, but in the event the need arises for in-home assistance, moving in with relatives, or relocating to an assisted or skilled nursing facility, be open to the various alternatives.  Prepare for the worst and plan for the best!  Most of us have prepared a legal will, right?  You’re dead when that’s executed, don’t you think a care plan that will serve you well while you’re living is just as, or more important, too?

OK, the reality is, some of us are not planners and we might not feel comfortable broaching this subject with our loved ones.  We may also find ourselves dealing with these sorts of decisions earlier than we could have ever anticipated.  So what do we do then?

Amy Fowler knows a thing or two about being thrown into a difficult situation earlier than she could have ever anticipated.  Her father was diagnosed at age 59 with Mild Cognitive Impairment which led to Early Onset Alzheimer’s.  Several years later, he is now in the end stages of Advanced Alzheimer’s.  Do you think her family ever dreamed they would begin navigating his care at age 59?

In an attempt to make the most informed decisions for her dad’s care, Amy’s family employed a Geriatric Care Manager.  A care manager works with families to help maintain the well-being, independence, and dignity of elders while balancing the specific needs of the families caring for them.

Amy’s family’s care manager not only provided options for resources, but the critical emotional support needed during the difficult process as well.

Through this difficult process, Amy came to realize that she wanted to help people like her family’s care manager had.  With her passion for working with elders and a heart to honor her father at the same time, she started her own Geriatric Care Management business in Asheville, NC.

Amy and I sat down and discussed eldercare options.  She began, “95% of the time, I will recommend someone utilize a care manager because often times you don’t need to place your loved one in an assisted living facility.”  She explained that when people make the decision to move a loved one into an assisted living or nursing home, in many cases, that decision is made out of fear and from a lack of knowledge as to what the options and resources available are.

A care manager is able to assess the situation from an objective standpoint and provide valuable insight, direction, and support.

Whether or not you decide to utilize a care manager, Amy suggests considering the following alternatives to assisted living and/or nursing home facilities.

Cool Technology:  Amy blew my mind with all the cool gadgets which are available to help a person maintain their independence at home with a little help.  “A big reason people move into assisted living is because they need assistance with medications.”  There are medication management systems that can be set up to send an alert via telephone to a neighbor or family member if the automatically dispensed dosage is not taken.  How cool is that!?  With those prone to wandering, there are door and bed sensors to alert others of movement.  The list goes on and on, so make sure to look into the amazing technology available to help your loved one.

Adult Day Care: “Adult day care is one of the best kept secrets,” shared Amy.  “This option saved my family.  My dad would go to adult day care each day and thought he was going to work.  He felt like he had a purpose,” Amy said.   This is an excellent option to delay or prevent the need for assisted living, or in many cases, even the more skilled nursing care.  It allows for socialization and exercise, and some facilities will even provide hygiene care.  This is a much less expensive option than assisted living or Skilled Care.  The national average cost/day for adult day care is $60. (Adult day health care programs are also available with nursing and CNA staff.)

Private Duty Agency Caregivers: These agencies can arrange for a caregiver to come into the home for a set amount of hours to help with certain tasks.  The care can include observation, assistance, and/or skilled nursing care.  This service can be used independently or paired with adult day care.  Amy gives a scenario in which a person doesn’t need overnight care, but they might need help in the morning getting up, eating, and being transported to the adult day care.  Most agencies have a 3-4 hour minimum, but Amy said it is reasonable to ask the private duty agency to do a split shift, where the caregiver comes in the morning for a couple hours, drops the person at Adult Day Care, picks them up later in the day, and helps them eat and get settled for the evening.  You can expect to pay somewhere between $18 – $25/hour for this type of service.  If this option is utilized 24/7, it can be very expensive.  (This is not to be confused with a personal caregiver which may be $10/hour, but has not been vetted or represented by an agency.)
Note: Another term to be familiar with is Home Health Care.  Home health is generally ordered at discharge from a hospital and is covered under Medicare for a certain period of time, whereas Private Duty care is not covered by Medicare.

Amy points out that after having considered these three options, you may come to the conclusion that an assisted living or skilled nursing facility is the best fit for your loved one.  Here’s the kicker!  “Assisted living facilities are not all created equal,  Unlike skilled nursing facilities, which, because they offer rehab through Medicare, have stringent requirements and regulations that they have to adhere to, assisted living facilities can do as much or as little as they like to when it comes to care.”

This being said, just be careful to determine the care needs of your loved one and find a place that will serve them well.  Where one person may need a facility with a full-time nurse or med tech on-site at all times, another may just need some oversight because they’re of advanced age.

Another thing to consider when researching assisted living facilities is finding out whether they charge a base rate each month, or a level-of-care fee.  Amy points out that one is not better than the other, it’s just important to determine the level of care that is needed, pay for the things you need, and refrain from paying for items or services that you don’t need.  For example, if you only need a little medication management and prompting to go to the dining room, that is considered lower level care, and the fees won’t be as high as those for someone who needs incontinent care.  Because facilities provide various services, make sure to find out if some are automatically included, but charged for.  For example, does the facility automatically utilize and charge for WanderGuard© (a bracelet that alerts facility staff if a resident is wandering)?  If your loved one does not wander, there is no need to pay for that service.  Amy stressed the importance to “be a savvy consumer and asking the right questions.”

I know I might sound like an ad for care managers, but in doing my research for this post, I see how complicated, delicate, and emotionally charged these decisions are.  This may be one of the biggest decisions of your life, so bringing in an expert, like a Care Manager, to help guide you through the process seems like no-brainer to me.

To locate a Geriatric Care Manager in your state, visit CareManager.org.  As with any professional you hire, check references.

If you are looking at care options in the Asheville, NC and surrounding areas, I highly recommend using the services of Amy Fowler.  I have known her for nearly 10 years and I can tell you, she has a heart of gold and a super sharp mind.  Click here to visit her website.

Care managers generally charge an hourly rate of $60 – $200/hour, depending on your city and state, and unfortunately most insurance plans will not cover this service.  I asked if there was a ballpark number of hours a typical family would use, but as you can imagine, it varies from case to case.  Amy shared that for some people it’s pretty quick – they meet for an initial assessment, she creates a ‘road map’ for the family, and they are good to go.  Others prefer to have a more hands-on relationship.

Are you struggling with someone who needs help but DOES NOT WANT TO relocate?

Amy offers the following advice for you:  “Be compassionate, and try to hear where they are coming from, because it is probably a place of fear.  Engage a care manager, who is a 3rd party, who can help present the information in a non-confrontational way and engage the older person in the discussion so they feel empowered in helping to make that decision.”

Here’s the deal:  Unless someone is declared incompetent, you cannot force them to do something they don’t want to.  With any conflict, a mediator can often bring a peace and resolution to even the ugliest of situations.

So, let’s assume you have determined that a move to an assisted or skilled nursing facility is necessary. 

If you are working with a care manager, utilize their expertise, knowledge, and relationships in selecting a facility.

If you are not using a care manager, make sure to do your homework.

When searching for an assisted or skilled nursing care facility, go ahead and do your work online, but always visit the facility in person to see how it looks, smells, and feels.  Talk to the staff and the residents that are sitting in the halls.  Sit in on an activity and lunch.  Watch the interactions between the staff and residents.

To review skilled nursing care facilities, go to Medicare.gov and click on ‘Find nursing homes’.

Home, Sweet Home 

Stay vigilant after your loved one has made the move.  You want their new home to be a safe and comfortable place to live.  Here are a few tips friends gave based on their experiences:

  • Show up for visits often and at different times of the day. It is important that the workers of each shift know who you are and are aware that you are a consistent presence in your loved one’s life.
  • Just because a person is not ambulatory doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be dressed each day. A friend told me that she hangs seven entire outfits (undergarments, shirt, pants, socks and shoes) in her mother’s closet at her nursing home.  This helps to keep the staff accountable for dressing her each day and keeps her mama looking good.  The cold, hard truth is that people treat you different if you are clean and presentable.
  • Review the care plan from time to time and make sure if anything changes, everyone is aware and on the same page. For example, if a blood pressure medication is increased, make sure everyone is aware.
  • If you see something that is being done wrong (not flagrantly), give criticism/direction kindly and make sure it is recorded with the supervisor so it remains on permanent record. For example, if you have told the staff not to give your father yogurt because it causes him to break out in a rash, but they continue to give him yogurt every morning anyway, try complimenting them on something they do well, followed by a reminder not to go against the care plan orders.

Well, I hope this will help someone.  Now, I’ve got to run and call my dad and stepmom to see what their “long-term” plans are!

As always, I appreciate your feedback, comments, and questions.  Please leave them in the comments section below.  You never know when your comment might help someone else.

Jill xx

P.S.  The picture above is my 100 year old Granny (in the blue coat) holding the hand of her dear 101 year old roommate at their skilled nursing home facility in Arkansas.  They watch out for each other.  Have you seen anything sweeter!?!


Tips For Empty Nesters

It has been 3-weeks since we dropped our only child over 2,000 miles from home and despite my “Oh, I’m going to be fine…This is what it’s all about…We raise ‘em to set ‘em free” attitude, I have to admit, I’m not quite as strong as I thought I would be. Waaaaa! I miss my boy!

It’s not like we dropped him in a gutter! His new home away from home is a college within minutes from the Pacific Ocean. He has joined the BEACH volleyball club!

[Tweet “Becoming an empty nester marks the end of an era, NOT the end of parenting. via @LearnWithJill”]

It’s time to take a step back and watch our little birdie take the plunge. We have, after all, been preparing him for this for 18 years.

We raise our kids to be independent, strong, and confident young adults that can leave home with a sense of confidence and excitement for their future. Right?

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Although we may want our children to show a need for us in some way, we don’t want them to look back with fear in their eyes or steps of trepidation.

As we take this great step of faith, let’s consider a few ideas that can help us along in this process. I have outlined several below, but would love your input in the comments section. What works for some may not work for others. Let’s help each other out here, Mamas and Daddies!

I have also included a section below with helpful tips for 1.) young adults leaving the nest, and 2.) parents with kids still at home.


1. Keep the Lines of Communication Open. Set up clear communication expectations before your child leaves. Our agreement is that we must talk on Sundays. Of course, we welcome the random call, text, or email throughout the week. From one parent to another, an expectation to talk every day is asking a bit much of your grown child. Allow them some space and room to figure out stuff on their own.

2. Cry. It’s ok. There is no shame in this. Studies show that when we cry we are releasing stress hormones. This may sound dramatic, but most empty nesters go through a grieving process, and a natural step in moving through your grief is the physical act of crying.

3. Branch Out. If you get stuck in the crying stage, you will become depressed. You may also unwittingly become an unnecessary burden to your child. Realize and celebrate that a new life has birthed. YOUR new life. Remember when your child was young and you had to pay someone to watch your child to go on a date or go for a run? No more babysitters needed, people! Take some time to think about a new hobby you would like to engage in and get started! Embrace the time you now have to share with your spouse and/or additional children, friends, etc.

4. Give Your Child Some Space. Remember that your “child” is now an adult. Your parenting role did not end when your child left the house, but a new version of your role has begun. Respect your child’s independence, but be available as needed.

5. It’s OK To Make Mistakes. Young adults and old adults make mistakes. We, as parents, need to be at peace in allowing our child to make decisions, good and not so good, that will enable them to learn through natural consequences.


1. Remember your parents have provided for your every need for the last 17-18 years, show a little RESPECT!

2. Call/Text/Email your parents at least once per week. You may be busy, but no one should ever be too busy to reach out to a loved one. A “Hey pops! Love ya!” text/email/call goes a loooooooong way!

3. Be strong in your moral convictions. Don’t let your peers decide which road you will travel down. A wise person once said, “Pick your peers, pick your pressures.”

4. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your parents for advice or guidance. They know you best, love you the most, and will always be a good source of wisdom. Most enjoy feeling useful.

5. Enjoy your new life. Take advantage of your new surroundings and partake in experiences that will enrich your life.


1. Be consistent in your discipline. It may be hard while you’re in it, but children feel safer when given boundaries (don’t let the screaming and kicking fool you).

2. Allow your child to make choices under your guidance and learn the consequences.

3. Establish and maintain open lines of communication.

4. Listen. Listen to hear, not to just give your input. At times you will need to suspend judgment.

5. Allow your children to make their own way. Don’t expect your kids to fulfill your own personal dreams.

Ok, parents and kids, I want to hear what you have to add. Pull from your experience and share with us. Any and all advice is welcomed.  Consider your advice as free therapy for struggling parents out there.
Please leave your comment(s) in the comment section below.