Hey, I’m Jill!
I’m a writer and a mentor for busy women who are juggling life, career, and family. I love guiding, problem solving, and walking alongside women who just need someone to help them clarify, develop, and set actionable plans to making their lives more fulfilling, intentional, and balanced.
Let’s talk about balance here for a minute. Balance, to me, does not mean that everything in your life is equally weighted. We, as women, will have different seasons in our lives and the balance we strive for one year, may be completely different the next.
I’m a firm believer in creating a balanced plan for the life you are living right now. We’ll talk about five years down the road, later.
I grew up in the “Wild, Wild West” (Montana and Oregon). I was raised by a single mom who I loved dearly (and hated at times) and buried her at the age of 59 due to alcoholism. You know what can make a person able to problem solve really well?? Being the child of an alcoholic. You never know what kind of pickle you’ll find yourself in. You know, sometimes the biggest struggles in our lives can be the biggest blessings. These struggles are what make us come out stronger and more determined to find the good in this world. I owe a lot of my success (means different things to all of us, doesn’t it?) to my mom…God rest her soul.
After graduating college (I’m a proud Oregon Duck!) with a degree in Psychology, I married my best friend, had a bouncing baby boy, and found that I had a passion and natural inclination toward marketing and the art of communication. My career has centered around strategic marketing and communications since 1998. I began mentoring in 2005 (click here if you’d like to work with me). I’m also a passionate community volunteer, serving the marginalized in our community such as the homeless, abused and neglected children, and single mothers.
:: I’ have a degree in Psychology and over 15 years of experience in marketing, communications, and promotions. I’ve helped individuals, small businesses, and large corporations create strategic plans on how best to make an impact in their world.
:: I’ve mentored women (and a few men) from all over the United States, from all walks of life (single mom living paycheck to paycheck to senior level executive) and with all types of needs (from overcoming fears/overwhelm/stress to creating and fine-tuning life and business plans). Through my writing, my courses, and mentoring, I provide encouragement, information, and resources to help women discover and live a life that matters.
Now, let’s talk about you for a minute. What you are attempting to do right now, whether it’s re-entering the workforce, starting a blog, writing a book, finding balance as a busy parent, figuring out what you want to do in this world — whatever it may be — is important. You may be feeling lost, overwhelmed, unsure of your direction — I’ve been there and know how you feel. The steps you take to live an intentional, balanced, and happy life will help to make this world a better place. Sometimes we just need some reminders, some guidance, and some cheering from others, like me, to live the life we’re meant to.
Through my blog posts, my courses, and mentoring, I provide encouragement, information, and resources to help women discover and live a life that matters.
I’m honored to be a part of your beautiful journey, whether through the content I provide right here on my blog, or through working together one-on-one! Click here to learn a little more about how I might be able to help you through my mentor program.
Let’s also connect on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, Talk soon!