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How to Revisit, Reclaim and Redefine Your ONE Word

Learn how to Revisit, Reclaim, and possibly Redefine one of the most important words in your vocabulary.

At the beginning of each year many of us choose one word to represent our intention for the year.  I heard from many of you and your words were: Faith, Listen, Positive, Less, Love, Unite, Focus, Create, Slow, Discovery, Intentional-Joy, Grace, Quiet, Heal.

An important part about choosing a single word to focus on throughout the year is to keep it at the forefront of our thoughts so we are intentional about bringing about the transformation we hope for.

Whether you’ve had your WORD on your mind everyday or you haven’t really thought much about it for the last several weeks or months, today’s video is for you.  I discuss the 3 R process: Revisit, Reclaim, Redefine.

I’d love to hear from you.  Which of the Rs symbolized where you are? Let me know in the comments below.

Join me for Your Intentional Life Facebook Live series every Wednesday morning.

As always, I appreciate you spending time with me here today!

Please share if you have friends, family, and co-workers that could benefit from the power of setting an intentional word in their life.

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Meditation 101

This week we’re diving into the basics of MEDITATION.

In today’s video I’ll be covering ideas to get you started on your meditation journey, including:

  • The benefits of meditation, of which there are many.
  • The 3 types of meditation I practice (and what happened when I stopped meditating for a couple of months).
  • The 3 free meditation apps I recommend.

Here are links to the meditation apps I mentioned and highly recommend:

Calm (I use the free version.)
Insight Timer (I use the free version.)
Headspace (I’ve not used, but have heard from many trusted friends that they enjoy.)

Whether you try meditating for 5 minutes or an hour per day, I highly recommend you try it for at least 30 days.  I’m pretty sure you’ll see benefits that will make you a meditator for life!

Let me know if you have any questions, or have suggestions,based on your meditation practice.

As always, I appreciate you spending time with me here today.

Jill xo

P.S. You know that sharing is caring, so please share away. : )

If you didn’t catch my video last week on practicing everyday mindfulness, watch it here.

I also created a guide which will get you from distracted to enjoying the present moment in less than 1 minute.
Download that free guide right here:

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Your Guide To Everyday Mindfulness


Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be present.

You’d think those three words, “basic-human-ability” would make it a no-brainer for us to be able to really be present in the moments that fill our lives, but alas, as with so many good things, it’s just not that easy.  Mindfulness takes work.

That’s why the word “practice” is so often combined with the word “mindfulness.”  Just like anything we want to get better at, we must practice.  You can’t expect to perform a perfect cartwheel without practice, right?  The same goes with mindfulness.  Daily practice will help you to create mindful habits, which will, in turn, create a lifestyle of living in present moments.

I created a guide called, The Practice of Everyday Mindfulness that has lots of normal, everyday events that you can practice at being more mindful. If you’d like to lower your stress, increase focus and clarity, and improve your relationships, I suggest you download it immediately.  : )

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In today’s video I discuss what mindfulness is, how it can make your life better and how you can begin practicing mindfulness today.

I’d like to hear what works for you in your efforts to be more present.  Do you practice mindfulness?  Is there something else that helps you reach this state of awareness?  Have you tried any of the exercises I suggest in today’s video?

As always, I appreciate you spending time with me here today.

Share my blog with a friend, family-member or co-worker that might find this topic interesting and/or helpful.

Here’s to experiencing more mindful moments in our day-to-day lives.

Jill xx

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How To Weather The Storms In Your Life

Are you prepared to weather the storms in life?

Our friends in Texas are dealing with catastrophic devastation due to hurricane Harvey.  As the storm was approaching, there were alerts as to how to prepare for the storm that was approaching.  Clearly, no matter the amount of precautions you take, some storms will devastate despite our best efforts.  Nevertheless, it’s still always a good plan to prepare.

Isn’t this the case with our own personal storms?  Whether it be emotional, spiritual or physical, as the storms in life approach — and we know they will — we are wise to heed similar disaster preparedness suggestions.  In today’s video, see how the 4 most common disaster preparedness techniques relates to how we handle our personal life-storms.

I’d love to hear from you?  Can you relate to these storm warning suggestions?  Have you seen that one applies more than the others?  Tell me in the comments below.

As always, I appreciate you spending time with me here today!

Jill xx

P.S. There many opportunities to help those affected by the Harvey storm, but I was particularly moved to hear author Brene Brown request donations for one of the most basic items: NEW underwear.  There is a basic level of dignity that wearing clean underwear brings and many of the people going through the aftermath of Harvey right now, do not have even this most basic item.  Please watch Brene’s video with donation instructions here.

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3 Secrets to Managing Your Expectations

What if I told you that you could cut back on frustration, disappointment, and preserve your relationships, all in 3 simple steps?

OK, that may have sounded a bit like an infomercial!  JUST 3 SIMPLE STEPS for $19.99!! Order now while supplies last!! (Best if read in your best late-night infomercial voice.)

But seriously…who wants to feel these negative emotions and threaten our most precious relationships?

The key is to managing your expectations.

Think about all the life events in which we either don’t know what to expect or we have a very clear expectation, but for one reason or another, that expectation is dismantled when #LIFEHAPPENS.

What sort of expectations do you have around the circumstances of your life?  There’s no one way to handle a newly emptied nest, a divorce, a scary diagnosis, a rebellious child, a new job, losing a job, a difficult relationship, or any other life-transition, but you can sure hedge your bets for a smoother experience if you learn to manage your expectations.

These 3 steps will help…

I’d love to hear from you.  In the comments below, tell me which of these steps is the most difficult for you.  The 2nd and 3rd have been my main stumbling blocks, but you know what? Just reminding ourselves of steps like these are how we get back on track.

As always, I appreciate you spending time with me here today.

Here’s to successfully managing our expectations in an effort to live our best lives!

Jill xx

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What This World Needs: More Human Connection

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion.  People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love.  For love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” Nelson Mandela

What can I do??

Not sure what to do with all the awful events that are happening around the world?

I’ve heard people say that in the grand scheme they don’t think they can really make a difference.  This is only true if you think making a change, in even one single person’s life, doesn’t mean anything.  You may never know the larger ripple effect that could take place, but that’s not yours to worry about.

Most of us can look back and see how someone did something kind or supportive, even a small gesture, that made a big impact in our lives. On the other hand, you may look back and remember a time where you were lonely and confused, and could have used a kind word or support, but it never came.

All of us, including the white supremacist I mention in today’s video are craving connection.  That human connection can come from a place of love and goodness, or from the opposite.  Not acting at all, is a decision, too.

In today’s video I’m sharing 8 ideas that each of us can immediately become official agents-of-change.

Thank you for being a loving force in this world.

With love,

Jill xx

P.S. Please share.  In times of turmoil people can become overwhelmed and allow fear to take over, causing inaction.  By you sharing this post, you provide some simple solutions that may help get them out of that place of inaction.

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How To Get Into The Flow State

“Most enjoyable activities are not natural; they demand an effort that initially one is reluctant to make. But once the interaction starts to provide feedback to the person’s skills, it usually begins to be intrinsically rewarding.” — Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

You’ve probably heard about being in the state of FLOW, in the ZONE or in the GROOVE, but have you experienced it?

Flow is the state when you’re so completely absorbed, focused, and energized by an activity that you lose track of time.  Achieving a state of flow has shown to increase overall happiness and you get stuff that’s important to you done!   

Who can attain the state of flow?

Anyone… Artists, bakers, knitters, car mechanics, writers, athletes, gardeners, woodworkers, programmers, potters, calligraphers, entrepreneurs, dancers, singers — the list goes on and on.

Flow will, however, not automatically happen.  There are certain mindset and environmental conditions that must be met in order to achieve this optimal state.

In today’s video I go over these four conditions, and as a bonus, I’m share some thoughts from my flowy husband on how he has achieved flow during very mundane activity.

Let’s get you flowing!

  1. Pick an activity/project you love and that’s important to you.
  2. Make sure the activity is not too easy, and not too challenging.
  3. Set a clear intention/goal for your time doing the activity.  Something with immediate feedback is important.
  4. Make sure your environment is conducive to getting into the flow: remove physical and emotional distractions, play some music (or if it helps, make sure it’s completely quiet).

Here’s what Maya Angelou shares with us about her writing efforts: “I keep a dictionary, a Bible, a deck of cards and a bottle of sherry in the (hotel) room. I try to get there around 7, and I work until 2 in the afternoon.”  She’s doing something she loves (writing), she has a clear intention each day when she walks in the room, and she’s set up her environment to help her to be completely focused.  

How will try to achieve flow today?

I’d love to hear from you.  Tell me your plan.  I’d also be interested if you have achieved flow, how does it work for you?  What activity are you doing?  What advice would you give from your successes/failures?  Share in the comments below.

As always, thanks for spending some of your precious time with me, here, today.

Jill xx

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4 Simple Decluttering Strategies That Will Rock Your World

You’re not gonna want to miss this one, friends!  I’m sharing four decluttering strategies today that will rock your world.

You may have heard how outer-order brings about inner-calm, right?  Well…it’s true!  And the beauty of it is, it’s not that difficult.

Your environment often dictates how productive, efficient, comfortable, and happy you are.  The key is to declutter your space.

The idea of decluttering may bring to mind huge, overwhelming projects, like cleaning out the basement that has 87 years of collective family memories stored.  While decluttering the basement is a worthy goal, this isn’t what we’re going to focus on today. We’re going to look at decluttering strategies that won’t take more than 60 minutes max.  In fact, you’ll be able to achieve de-clutterment (I think I just made that word up!) in less time that it takes you to move one single item from one room to the next.

I’m a firm believer in baby steps, so let’s get started…

In today’s video, I share four simple decluttering strategies that will have you feeling that amazing inner-calm feeling in no time at all.

Well…I suggested four strategies…which will you implement today?  You know, at the very least, it’s only going to take a minute or two. Share with me your victorious decluttering wins in the comments below.

Much love,

Jill (The 5-Minute Taskmaster) xx

P.S.  Good tips like this should never be hoarded!  Please share my blog with your friends, family, and co-workers…you know they’ll thank you for it.  : )

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How to Create Good Habits and Break the Bad Ones

Habits….we’ve all got ’em — some bad and some good.  In fact, 40-45% of our daily behaviors are habits!

In today’s Intentional Living video, I discuss the ins and outs of habit formation: how to create good habits and break the bad ones.

Watch today’s video to:

  • Learn what the 3 parts of the habit loop are and why they’re key to understanding your own habits.
  • Find out how the Tiny Habit formation system will make creating new healthy habits super easy.
  • Discover the 2 most effective ways to break a bad habit.

After watching this video, a viewer sent me this snapshot of her plan to break a habit of binge watching Netflix at the end of her day.  I love how she gave herself alternative activities for how she wanted to spend her time!

She’s on the right track…you must set your intention before you’ll gain any momentum.

If you’d like more information on Tiny Habits, I wrote a blog post here.

If you’re looking for a good read on the topic of habits, I recommend the following:

Gretchen Rubin’s book, Better Than Before, was one of my all-time favorite reads.  It was easy reading and really helpful — this book is bound to transform your life. Click here to purchase on Amazon for less than $10!

If you search for information on habit formation, Charles Duhigg’s name will come up every time.  While I haven’t read his book, I’ve read lot’s of articles, blog posts and praise for his wisdom in the habit formation arena.  Click here to purchase on Amazon for under 10 bucks!

Here’s to creating new and healthy habits and chucking the bad ones.

Appreciate you spending time with me on the blog today!  Please share with friends, family, and co-workers.

Jill xx

Disclosure: Please note that the book links above are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase.

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How To Maximize Your Most Valuable Resource: Time

Time management

The #1 reason people fail to live with intention is the lack of, or mismanagement of time.  Don’t let this be part of your story.

Today, I share a simple, yet very powerful exercise in understanding where/how you spend your time, where/how you’re wasting time, and how you can create your ideal schedule to live a life of intention.

Exercise from video:

What you’ll need:

Paper and pencil.
Your current calendar.

On a blank piece of paper, write the hours of the day along one side of the sheet and the days of the week across the other.  Depending on your typical schedule, you may write the hours down in one hour, 30 minute, or 15 minute chunks.  Fill in the time slots with the activities, appointments and responsibilities that account for the time in your day.  NOTE: Don’t forget the scrolling through Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest time (no judgment, let’s just make sure you are giving a true representation of where you spend your time.)

Next, you’re going to circle, star, box and X the items on your schedule.

  • Circle all items on your schedule that are non-negotiables based on your values, your season in life, or your survival.  A non-negotiable may be getting up at the crack of dawn to go to work 5 days per week, or packing your kids school lunches, or driving your spouse or elderly parent to their doctor’s appointments.  It may also be exercise or time with your favorite person. 
  • Put a STAR next to all the things in your schedule that bring you joy or fulfillment.  Making breakfast for your loved ones, working out, volunteering, painting, singing in choir, etc.
  • Put a BOX next to all the thing that are important, but you can either give the task to someone else or move it to a later date.
  • Put an X next to the things on your schedule that are time and life suckers!  These are the things you are going to remove, minimize, and/or schedule more tightly in your schedule.

Don’t rush this process.  Take your time so you are sure to include everything that should be on the schedule.  You want to be as realistic as possible.

On another sheet, write down your ideal schedule that supports and aligns with your values and intentions for your life.  This is where you will remove or minimize items that you marked with an X, delegate or move those you marked with a BOX, possibly devote more time to the items you placed a STAR next to, and last but not least, see where you have new chunks of time available to intentionally fill with absolutely nothing and with things that support a healthy, balanced life.    

When you’re done (today or in the next couple days) I’d love to hear how this exercise worked for you.  Did you spot some obnoxious time sucks in your schedule?  Did you realize how little time you were devoting to VERY important things?  Did you feel a sense of relief when you placed an X next to one of the items on your calendar, signifying and making a decision to rid that from your life?  I would love to hear from you.  Let me know in the comments or by emailing me at Jill@JillGottenstrater.com.

Here’s to creating a schedule that honors you and lends itself to an intentional, fulfilling and impactful life!

Jill xx

Click here to join me on Wednesday mornings for my Facebook LIVE video series.

In case you missed it…Click here to read my post on understanding your core values and living them out in real life.