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4 Steps To Creating Your Life Motto

Life Motto

Do you have a Life Motto?

A friend told me last week that her life motto was, “Leave places or situations better because you were there.”  This got me thinking about the importance of all of us claiming a life motto, an overarching principle or rule to live by.  As you probably noticed, my friend not only said to leave places better, like we’re told when we venture out in the woods, but “situations” better.  This covers everything, doesn’t it?  Conversations, conflict resolution, campsite etiquette, the work you do, the words you choose to use verbally and in writing.   

Today, I’m sharing four easy steps to create your life motto.  Let me know in the comments below what yours is.   

Click here to take the fun “What’s Your Life Motto” quiz I mentioned.  While the quiz is fun and may come up with something fitting, I think it’s important to put a little more thought into creating your motto.

Thank you for hanging out with me today!

Jill xx

Don’t you think your friends, family and co-workers should create a life motto, too?   Share this blog with them and ask them to share theirs with you.

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How to Revisit, Reclaim and Redefine Your ONE Word

Learn how to Revisit, Reclaim, and possibly Redefine one of the most important words in your vocabulary.

At the beginning of each year many of us choose one word to represent our intention for the year.  I heard from many of you and your words were: Faith, Listen, Positive, Less, Love, Unite, Focus, Create, Slow, Discovery, Intentional-Joy, Grace, Quiet, Heal.

An important part about choosing a single word to focus on throughout the year is to keep it at the forefront of our thoughts so we are intentional about bringing about the transformation we hope for.

Whether you’ve had your WORD on your mind everyday or you haven’t really thought much about it for the last several weeks or months, today’s video is for you.  I discuss the 3 R process: Revisit, Reclaim, Redefine.

I’d love to hear from you.  Which of the Rs symbolized where you are? Let me know in the comments below.

Join me for Your Intentional Life Facebook Live series every Wednesday morning.

As always, I appreciate you spending time with me here today!

Please share if you have friends, family, and co-workers that could benefit from the power of setting an intentional word in their life.

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Meditation 101

This week we’re diving into the basics of MEDITATION.

In today’s video I’ll be covering ideas to get you started on your meditation journey, including:

  • The benefits of meditation, of which there are many.
  • The 3 types of meditation I practice (and what happened when I stopped meditating for a couple of months).
  • The 3 free meditation apps I recommend.

Here are links to the meditation apps I mentioned and highly recommend:

Calm (I use the free version.)
Insight Timer (I use the free version.)
Headspace (I’ve not used, but have heard from many trusted friends that they enjoy.)

Whether you try meditating for 5 minutes or an hour per day, I highly recommend you try it for at least 30 days.  I’m pretty sure you’ll see benefits that will make you a meditator for life!

Let me know if you have any questions, or have suggestions,based on your meditation practice.

As always, I appreciate you spending time with me here today.

Jill xo

P.S. You know that sharing is caring, so please share away. : )

If you didn’t catch my video last week on practicing everyday mindfulness, watch it here.

I also created a guide which will get you from distracted to enjoying the present moment in less than 1 minute.
Download that free guide right here:

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Your Guide To Everyday Mindfulness


Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be present.

You’d think those three words, “basic-human-ability” would make it a no-brainer for us to be able to really be present in the moments that fill our lives, but alas, as with so many good things, it’s just not that easy.  Mindfulness takes work.

That’s why the word “practice” is so often combined with the word “mindfulness.”  Just like anything we want to get better at, we must practice.  You can’t expect to perform a perfect cartwheel without practice, right?  The same goes with mindfulness.  Daily practice will help you to create mindful habits, which will, in turn, create a lifestyle of living in present moments.

I created a guide called, The Practice of Everyday Mindfulness that has lots of normal, everyday events that you can practice at being more mindful. If you’d like to lower your stress, increase focus and clarity, and improve your relationships, I suggest you download it immediately.  : )

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In today’s video I discuss what mindfulness is, how it can make your life better and how you can begin practicing mindfulness today.

I’d like to hear what works for you in your efforts to be more present.  Do you practice mindfulness?  Is there something else that helps you reach this state of awareness?  Have you tried any of the exercises I suggest in today’s video?

As always, I appreciate you spending time with me here today.

Share my blog with a friend, family-member or co-worker that might find this topic interesting and/or helpful.

Here’s to experiencing more mindful moments in our day-to-day lives.

Jill xx

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What This World Needs: More Human Connection

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion.  People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love.  For love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” Nelson Mandela

What can I do??

Not sure what to do with all the awful events that are happening around the world?

I’ve heard people say that in the grand scheme they don’t think they can really make a difference.  This is only true if you think making a change, in even one single person’s life, doesn’t mean anything.  You may never know the larger ripple effect that could take place, but that’s not yours to worry about.

Most of us can look back and see how someone did something kind or supportive, even a small gesture, that made a big impact in our lives. On the other hand, you may look back and remember a time where you were lonely and confused, and could have used a kind word or support, but it never came.

All of us, including the white supremacist I mention in today’s video are craving connection.  That human connection can come from a place of love and goodness, or from the opposite.  Not acting at all, is a decision, too.

In today’s video I’m sharing 8 ideas that each of us can immediately become official agents-of-change.

Thank you for being a loving force in this world.

With love,

Jill xx

P.S. Please share.  In times of turmoil people can become overwhelmed and allow fear to take over, causing inaction.  By you sharing this post, you provide some simple solutions that may help get them out of that place of inaction.

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How to Create Good Habits and Break the Bad Ones

Habits….we’ve all got ’em — some bad and some good.  In fact, 40-45% of our daily behaviors are habits!

In today’s Intentional Living video, I discuss the ins and outs of habit formation: how to create good habits and break the bad ones.

Watch today’s video to:

  • Learn what the 3 parts of the habit loop are and why they’re key to understanding your own habits.
  • Find out how the Tiny Habit formation system will make creating new healthy habits super easy.
  • Discover the 2 most effective ways to break a bad habit.

After watching this video, a viewer sent me this snapshot of her plan to break a habit of binge watching Netflix at the end of her day.  I love how she gave herself alternative activities for how she wanted to spend her time!

She’s on the right track…you must set your intention before you’ll gain any momentum.

If you’d like more information on Tiny Habits, I wrote a blog post here.

If you’re looking for a good read on the topic of habits, I recommend the following:

Gretchen Rubin’s book, Better Than Before, was one of my all-time favorite reads.  It was easy reading and really helpful — this book is bound to transform your life. Click here to purchase on Amazon for less than $10!

If you search for information on habit formation, Charles Duhigg’s name will come up every time.  While I haven’t read his book, I’ve read lot’s of articles, blog posts and praise for his wisdom in the habit formation arena.  Click here to purchase on Amazon for under 10 bucks!

Here’s to creating new and healthy habits and chucking the bad ones.

Appreciate you spending time with me on the blog today!  Please share with friends, family, and co-workers.

Jill xx

Disclosure: Please note that the book links above are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase.

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How To Maximize Your Most Valuable Resource: Time

Time management

The #1 reason people fail to live with intention is the lack of, or mismanagement of time.  Don’t let this be part of your story.

Today, I share a simple, yet very powerful exercise in understanding where/how you spend your time, where/how you’re wasting time, and how you can create your ideal schedule to live a life of intention.

Exercise from video:

What you’ll need:

Paper and pencil.
Your current calendar.

On a blank piece of paper, write the hours of the day along one side of the sheet and the days of the week across the other.  Depending on your typical schedule, you may write the hours down in one hour, 30 minute, or 15 minute chunks.  Fill in the time slots with the activities, appointments and responsibilities that account for the time in your day.  NOTE: Don’t forget the scrolling through Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest time (no judgment, let’s just make sure you are giving a true representation of where you spend your time.)

Next, you’re going to circle, star, box and X the items on your schedule.

  • Circle all items on your schedule that are non-negotiables based on your values, your season in life, or your survival.  A non-negotiable may be getting up at the crack of dawn to go to work 5 days per week, or packing your kids school lunches, or driving your spouse or elderly parent to their doctor’s appointments.  It may also be exercise or time with your favorite person. 
  • Put a STAR next to all the things in your schedule that bring you joy or fulfillment.  Making breakfast for your loved ones, working out, volunteering, painting, singing in choir, etc.
  • Put a BOX next to all the thing that are important, but you can either give the task to someone else or move it to a later date.
  • Put an X next to the things on your schedule that are time and life suckers!  These are the things you are going to remove, minimize, and/or schedule more tightly in your schedule.

Don’t rush this process.  Take your time so you are sure to include everything that should be on the schedule.  You want to be as realistic as possible.

On another sheet, write down your ideal schedule that supports and aligns with your values and intentions for your life.  This is where you will remove or minimize items that you marked with an X, delegate or move those you marked with a BOX, possibly devote more time to the items you placed a STAR next to, and last but not least, see where you have new chunks of time available to intentionally fill with absolutely nothing and with things that support a healthy, balanced life.    

When you’re done (today or in the next couple days) I’d love to hear how this exercise worked for you.  Did you spot some obnoxious time sucks in your schedule?  Did you realize how little time you were devoting to VERY important things?  Did you feel a sense of relief when you placed an X next to one of the items on your calendar, signifying and making a decision to rid that from your life?  I would love to hear from you.  Let me know in the comments or by emailing me at Jill@JillGottenstrater.com.

Here’s to creating a schedule that honors you and lends itself to an intentional, fulfilling and impactful life!

Jill xx

Click here to join me on Wednesday mornings for my Facebook LIVE video series.

In case you missed it…Click here to read my post on understanding your core values and living them out in real life.

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Intentional Living Series on Facebook LIVE Begins Soon!

Inspiration for intentional living…

I’m just back from a week at the beach and it proved to be the perfect time to think about all the topics I will be discussing in my Intentional Living Facebook LIVE series that starts this coming Wednesday morning.

I don’t know about you, but when I’m on vacation, it’s hard to stick to a normal routine.  I enjoy being more flexible with my schedule, but there’s at least one routine I maintain: “intentional walks” (and since I’m on vacay, the walks are long).  These walks do not include thinking of all the things I need to get done that day, or achieving a certain number of miles.  These walks are a semi-unlimited pocket of time in which I don’t have to get back to anything. It’s a time dedicated to quiet, dreaming, wonder, and gratitude.

Photo: My faithful walking companion.

Four years ago to the week, I was walking on the same beach and I felt a very strong call to begin writing a blog.  I wrote one post that week, but never shared it.  Fear, and that crazy imposter syndrome, I mentioned a few weeks back, crept in and took over.

It took me another 15 months to get the guts up to start the blog you read today, and I can tell you that learning about, and practicing intentional living has been key through it all.

But behind the blog is a life changed due to the small, daily steps of attempting to live as intentionally as I can.  The blog is my way of sharing with others: tools, techniques, and inspiration, so that someone — like you — may read or hear something that guides them toward living their life with more intention, meaning, and joy.

I hope you’ll join me over the next few months for the Your Intentional Life series.  Click here to “like” my blog’s Facebook page, so you’ll be notified when I go LIVE each week.

The series will run from July – September, 2017 and I’ll be covering things like:

  • Defining core values
  • Clarifying life-direction
  • Creating confidence
  • Finding peace through mindfulness
  • Creating systems to limit overwhelm
  • And lots more….

For those of you who aren’t on East Coast time, don’t worry, the replay will be available when you rise and shine.

Can’t wait to see y’all on Wednesday!

Jill xx


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5 Steps to Getting The Most Out of Your Word for The Year

We’re a couple months into the new year now and many of us have chosen a single WORD as a declaration for a specific intention and purpose in our lives.  I’ve heard from some of you and your words are: listen, positive, faith, less, love, unite, focus, create, slow.  My word is clarity.  (NOTE: My original word I chose on January 1 was “focus” but three weeks in, I changed it to “clarity”.  I explain the stress my first word was causing me here.

While we may have chosen a word, as the days and weeks forge on, we forget about the word, and all the intention and purpose behind it.

If you do it right, choosing and purposefully living out your word for the year will be life-changing.  Seriously.  Life-changing.

Today, I’m sharing 5 simple steps to help make that happen for you…

Recap from our video:

5 Steps to Success From Your Word for the Year

  • Place your word in prominent places where you will see it often.
    — Type out your word in a huge font, print out and hang in your office, your bathroom, on your fridge, in your day-planner, in your car, etc.
    — Write your word on a sticky note and post around.
    — Make yourself a bookmark with your word on it.
    — If you’re feeling really crafty, paint your word (free-hand or with stencils) on a canvas or on a piece of wood and display in your home.
    — Create a tile mosaic for your garden.  (Wouldn’t it be neat to make a small mosaic each year with your word as a stepping stones in your garden?!)
  • Get intimate with your word by doing a simple word-study.  Google “definition of (your word)”.  Read the definitions and write out the meaning in your own words.  Look at the synonyms.  Look at the antonyms.  Look at the word origin.  This may sound like a lot of work, but it will take you less than 2 minutes if you Google it.  My word for the year is Clarity.  Here is what came up with my Google search:
  • Talk about your word.  Tell your friends, co-workers, and family what your word is.  This gives you a bit of accountability, but also helps others understand your intention for the year, so they can support you in it.
  • Ask others about their words.  This takes the accountability to a new level.  When everyone around you has their own word, it often becomes a point of discussion.  (Share this post with your friends, family, and co-workers, so they can get on the bandwagon, too!)
  • Journal about your word.  (You didn’t think we’d get through this post without me suggesting journaling, did you?) As you’re journaling, check in with yourself as to how your word is showing up or not showing up in your daily life.

I’d love to hear from you!  Leave your answer to these two questions in the comment section below:

  1. What is your word for the year?  Was that your original word, or did you end up changing it, like I did?
  2. How will you display your word to keep it top of mind? Are you a post-it note type, or will you be painting your word on canvas for display?

Here’s to living a life with intention and purpose!

Jill xx

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Why You Might Want to Change Your Word for The Year

When it’s OK to change your mind…

Did you choose a “word for the year“?

If you did, and you’re happy with your word, carry on–but don’t leave without first listening to this video. Seriously, you may be where I was a few weeks into selecting my word and not realizing what I came to realize.

If you haven’t chosen a word yet, you really should consider doing it today.  Listen to this video first because what I’m sharing with you here will help in the event that you decide to change that word, down the road, like I did.

Bottom line, friends…your “word for the year” is YOUR word.  You can change it if you want to.  I repeat, “It’s YOUR word.”  Don’t feel that you must soldier on with your word and push on through the dislike or unsettled feelings that word is bringing you.  I changed mine, from one that I thought was perfect at the time of choosing, but later proved to bring me a bunch of stress.  And guess what?  I am LOVING the new word I settled on.

Just remember, the purpose of choosing YOUR word for the year, is to set an intention for what you’d like to see more of in your life.

I would love to hear about the word you selected this year?  Did you change your word, or stick with your initial word?  This is the second year I’ve changed my word after declaring another.  Hmmmm….note-to-self…select a word in November, and by the time January comes around, the possible word change may come about, so that the new year begins with the word that I’m settled on.

Much love, friends,

Jill xx