
Episode 3: Finding Inspiration to Spark the Creative Process

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In this episode, Mama Judy and I continue our exploration of finding ways to get “unstuck” and allowing inspiration to guide us to artful action.

Inspiration is all around us, all the time. We share our trusted sources of inspiration and talk about how they’re able to pull us back into artistic expression. To us, art is the manifestation of joy. In that vein, inspiration is the hidden force behind its creation.

Whether you’re looking for the energy to step into action or just want to infuse your artwork with a fresh perspective, inspiration is key, and we hope listening to this podcast is a great help!

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Links mentioned in episode: 

Book: Steal Like an Artist, Austin Kleon
Book: The Creative Act: A Way of Being, Rick Rubin

Jill’s Slow Stitch Journal
Jill’s stitch project inspired by a famous painting.
California based artist Jill mentioned that creates art inspired by birds.
Wanderer Figures (project Mama Judy has been working on from a class she took led by Lyn Belisle)
Mama Judy using pockets in her art.
Asheville Artist: Jaime Byrd (one of Mama Judy’s favorite artists)


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