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Loving on the Lonely and Sad During The Holidays

Holiday Sadness

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Right?

True for many, but not for everyone…

The holidays can be a time of loneliness, sadness and depression for some.  They may be experiencing a holiday without a loved one for the first time, are isolated and looking out on a merry world that they’re not part of, or their depression is sharpened by the jolly expectations during this time of year.

The beauty is that there are simple ways to be a blessing to someone who may fall in one of these non-enviable positions and I can sum it up with two words… I’ll explain in today’s video.

Being generous of heart doesn’t cost a thing, but it does take a little effort.  If you get stuck in figuring out for whom you will bless or what you will do, just recite one of my favorite quotes: “Do the next right thing.”

I’m so thankful you’ve chosen to spend some time with me here today!

Please share this post with your friends, family and co-workers.  You never know who will be blessed because you did.

Jill xx

If you prefer bulleted lists, I wrote a post a couple years ago with simple holiday reminders and you can read it here.